Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Electric Bugatti

This one is the final submission for the cardesigncommunity sketchfighter. The assignment was to come up with  a vision for an electric Bugatti. I was reading recently about new types of batteries and nano structures. Those nano structures will allow achieving high capacity and long range. So my idea was to use those nano structures as an element of design.
You can still vote and see other entries at

Sketch Fighter at Cardesigncommuity

Here are some of my recent efforts for the sketchfighter contest at Not too long ago I came across long forgotten vellum and decided to use it up. Seemed like a good opportunity to do just that! Updated some of the sketches later.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Scifi Olympics

Inspired by Olympics and desire for a sport where regular humans don't even stand a chance